Day 49
Day 49 This is it; the very last day of my Photo-A-Day! It's going to seem a little strange not picking up the camera and taking a photo tomorrow, or the
next day, and always thinking about what my photo will be for the day. Of course, I could never stop taking photos of my boys, but it may be a couple of weeks before the next one! Instead, it's time to give the camera a good clean up, clear some
memory cards, and get some other work done and get ready for 2013 Client Sessions after taking January off. My main website is also about to
be completely updated - new logo, new look, new images - so there's
some exciting things happening very soon!
As for today, my last photo is one that I have been wanting to include in this years Photo-A-Day, as I've done in previous years. The photo where you sneak into the bedroom, up the ISO, try to quietly pull back a curtain and find as much light as you can, and sneak that photo of your child sound asleep. There's something always so peaceful and beautiful about a child sleeping, and I didn't want to miss it this year. However, by the time bedtime has come each night, I seemed to have already taken my photo for the day. In some ways though, it seems quite fitting for my last photo anyway; the end of the day and the end of my little project.
So tonight, it's the two boys, both sound, sound asleep after a very hot day. Funnily enough, today is the first day that I nearly forgot to take my photo; I'm so used to having it done earlier in the day!
Finally, thank you again for popping in and seeing what we've been up to over the past 7 weeks, and I hope you'll join me again next year for whatever project I decide to do!
Sweet dreams xox