Archive for February 2015

Day 46

Day 46  |  The unofficial last day!  I love to end this blog each summer with the 'first day of school' photo for the year.  I love to look back on these photos at the start and end of each year, and I know that in December when I start my Photo-A-Day again, this will be the first photo I look back on.  It's hard to believe now, but I know that I will probably look back at it and be amazed by how much he has grown during the year!

But so comes the end of another Summer's Photo-A-Day.  It's a little strange to think I don't 'have to' take a photo tomorrow!  Thank you for following along yet again, and see you in December!

Summer Holidays, Day 45/45

Day 45  |  The last day!  The day where I traditionally leave my photo until late in the evening so that I can sneak into the boys' bedrooms when they are fast asleep and capture them at their most quietest.  The house is once again peaceful for the night, and you wonder how these two gorgeous boys could drive you so crazy some days! 

It's a little hard to believe that school goes back tomorrow.  One more little outing for my camera in the morning to take the 'first day of school' photos, and then it will be time to clear some memory cards and print some photos! 

Goodnight : )