Archive for January 2018

Day 48

Day 48  |  The 'extra' unofficial day to end the Photo-A-Day for another year!  It's back to school today!  This year Hayden is in Year 6, and Austin is in Year 2!  They were both a little nervous heading back to school today as they're both in new classes with new teachers, so lots of unknowns.  But I am sure they will have had a fantastic day!

If you've been following or popping in over the past nearly 7 weeks, thank you for your comments!  And maybe, just maybe, I'll be back in December!

Summer Holidays | Day 47/47

Day 47  |  The last day of the holidays!  And we had to have a little 'summer' to finish off with!  On such a hot day, it was time to drag the old paddling pool out to cool down!  The boys had great fun, and it was definitely a great way to cool off and finish off the holidays!

Summer Holidays | Day 46/47

Day 46  |  It was back to Karate for both boys today.  It's actually been nearly 6 months since Hayden has been able to go thanks to the broken arms last year!  He wasn't so keen to go back, as unfortunately he had to miss grading last November, so now feels like he's behind the group he's been with!  Would love him to stay until next grading to see how that goes, but I guess we'll wait and see.  Austin continues to love it, and puts in 110% effort every week!

Summer Holidays | Day 45/47

Day 45  |  I purposely left my photo today until tonight as I love to get a 'sleeping' photo of the boys each year!   It's the one photo they can't complain about ;) 

Austin usually takes ages to settle and go to sleep - it's like he 'wakes up' the second you put him into bed.  And often you need to give him that final song once he's finished bouncing around! 

Hayden protests going to bed, and always spends some time reading, and often sneakily playing with his Lego men before it's lights out - there's always a pile of them on his bedside table! 

Love this peaceful time of the evening!

Summer Holidays | Day 44/47

Day 44  |  Well it's been a while since Hayden has been able to play sport after his broken arm last year!  He made it back for the second half of the cricket season starting today.  So this morning it was a few quick practice shots before heading off, as he hasn't been able to do hard-ball hitting while his arm has been recovering. 

Unfortunately the first game back didn't go too well as he was hit on his arm with a full toss, right where it had been broken.  Just a bruise, so an early retirement and icepack.  He did get back on the field though to bat a final over, and had a great effort bowling taking a wicket!  Onwards and upwards each week!!  He's a tough critic of his own game! 

Summer Holidays | Day 43/47

Day 43  |  It was definitely time to get out of the house today!  And a holiday treat for the boys since we missed out in Auckland.  So 10-bin Bowling it was!  We didn't manage any strikes - a few spares -  but still had heaps of fun! 

Summer Holidays | Day 42/47

Day 42  |  It was a bit of a 'recuperation' day today - from the kids being sick and lack of sleep on my part!  So another day around home bar a much needed trip to the supermarket! It has also been another super hot day, so this afternoon the air conditioning went on and the boys have spent time just playing inside.

It's getting near the end of the holidays so toys we haven't seen for a long time are starting to emerge!  Today Angry Birds made an appearance and the boys made their own game out of old blocks. 

Summer Holidays | Day 41/47

Day 41  |  It's been a long night once again with Austin coming down with the vomiting bug this time!  Poor boy :(  So it's been a very quiet , super hot day at home for us today (great for ALL the washing though!!)

Hayden has photo duties today minus his brother!  He's got the help of his good friend though ;) 

Summer Holidays | Day 40/47

Day 40  |  Time to head home once again, with a lunchtime flight from Auckland, everyone still feeling a little jaded after the past 24 hours!  It's definitely good to be home again though : )

Here's a quick photo of the boys waiting to head off to the airport this morning, while we did the last of the packing and cleaning.  Two favourite books in our house - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series for Hayden, and Austin has just started reading "Captain Underpants".  So grateful that our boys love books and reading!

Summer Holidays | Day 39/47

Day 39  |  It was our last day up in Auckland and was meant to be a day out in the City with the boys.  However, unfortunately last night, Hayden spent the night vomiting.  So today ended up being a day at home.  So far so good with Austin, so it was just a quick photo of him today where we are staying.  A very early night for us all tonight I think!

Summer Holidays | Day 38/47

Day 38  |  After brunch out this morning with one of Steve's old friends, it was a beach afternoon for us!  We headed out to Shakespeare Regional Park for a swim and play.  The water was a little chilly but not too bad!  A nice way to freshen up and relax for the afternoon.  Of course the beach means a stop for ice creams on the way home too!!

Today's photo is one of Austin on the beach : )

Summer Holidays | Day 37/47

Day 37  |  Off to Uncle Brennie's 40th Birthday today.  Shame the boys don't always get on like this, lol!

Summer Holidays | Day 36/47

Day 36  |  Here we are up in Auckland!  Steve is from up here and comes up a lot for work, but it's been two years since we've actually been back up as a family for a holiday!   We have timed our trip up for a Christening and 40th birthday weekend! 

Today was the Christening, so I'll share a very rare family photo of us all together, lol!  Was a lovely afternoon with everyone, and gorgeous hot weather!

Summer Holidays | Day 35/47

Day 35  |   Our last little getaway before the holidays are all over!  Tonight we boarded our plane to head up to Auckland for a long weekend.  We have a Christening and a 40th birthday to go to, so should be a great weekend!

Summer Holidays | Day 34/47

Day 34  |  I asked the boys if I could take a 'nice' photo of them today for my birthday - told them it was their present for me ;)  Austin wasn't too keen until they started with what can only be described as 'boy humour' lol!  (My "Mum" jokes weren't cutting it today!) 

I love it when they laugh together - especially for photos!  So, you can definitely say I'm happy with my 'very nice' photo of them!

Summer Holidays | Day 33/47

Day 33  |  And then there were two - missing teeth that is!

Summer Holidays | Day 32/47

Day 32   |  It was time to feed the fish this morning!  For his birthday last year, Austin really wanted two goldfish - a black one and an orange one (they were to be called "Rugby" and "Football"). 

However, when we went shopping for the said goldfish, Steve's fish enthusiasm took over and we walked out with a small(ish) tropical tank!  We used to have a much larger tank when we lived in Auckland, but got rid of it all when we moved to Christchurch! 

Austin still loves his fish though, although we've had to come up with a few more names!!

Summer Holidays | Day 31/47

Day 31  |  It is one year today since Austin broke his arm.  So in the past year, one child has had a broken arm and grommets put in.  The other has had two broken arms and adenoids out!  I'm hoping that in the next year these two boys keep it a little less 'eventful' on the hospital visits!!

Summer Holidays | Day 30/47

Day 30 |  We finally saw the sun again from mid this afternoon, but it was a morning of games inside again!  Austin found Hayden's old camera and was keen to play with it, so we charged it up and off he went!

Summer Holidays | Day 29/47

Day 29  |  I expected this photo to be taken with an amazing blue sky and sun, but it has once again been a cold and wet day!  But to the circus we went! 

This was the first time the boys have been to the circus, and it was Circus Grande today in the City!  It was a fantastic show - incredible acrobats and performers!  And the highlight for the boys was being chosen out of the crowd to go up on stage!  For skipping none-the-less, but they did great - with a little help ;) 

Summer Holidays | Day 28/47

Day 28  |  This is a pretty good reflection of our day today.  It was pouring with rain again, so it was a day of DVDs, Playstation, and playing with lego and toys in rooms!  Hopefully the rain stops tomorrow!

Summer Holidays | Day 27/47

Day 27  |  This was our day today - Grommets for Austin!  We only saw the ENT specialist on Monday, so it was a very quick turn around and hadn't been on our list of holiday activities!  He coped like a trooper and once we told him it wasn't going to hurt, he was pretty excited about the whole 'adventure'.  He had the nurses charmed in recovery by the time I even got to see him ;)   This photo was at his request!

Summer Holidays | Day 26/47

Day 26  |  And so this happened today!  It's actually the third tooth that Austin has lost (he's lost the bottom two), but it has been a long time since we've had a loose tooth!  So there was lots of excitement at lunchtime today when it fell out - and a photo was requested straight away!  Now we're just waiting on the tooth fairy to arrive, but someone is still bouncing around, not asleep!

Summer Holidays | Day 25/47

Day 25  |  It was a busy day for us, but not too conducive in terms of taking photos!  This morning we ticked off ordering the boys' school books for this year.  This afternoon, Austin had a specialist appointment, then it was more school supplies from Warehouse Stationery and a BIG grocery shop after being away for three weeks and having pretty much no food in the house - bar the produce that is now ready in the veggie garden! 

Photo today is Hayden sorting out his stationery list this morning : )

Summer Holidays | Day 24/47

Day 24  |  And just like that we are half way through the holidays!  Today was our first day back home.  It was a day in the garden for Steve and I, doing lawns and tidying up.  For the boys, it was chilling out, and for Austin, back to the trampoline!

Summer Holidays | Day 23/47

Day 23  |  Today was the day we made the long journey home!  Was made slightly longer by the fact that Austin was car sick about an hour into our over 6 hour trip!  (Thank goodness for Norwex, lol!!)

Then, once home, it was the big un-pack.  Next job was cleaning the car, which Hayden helped out with for a bit - until he got "bored"!  Just as well I took a photo relatively early on!

Summer Holidays | Day 22/47

Day 22  |  The last day of our holidays in Clyde!  It was a pretty quiet day at home, a cooler day than most we've had these holidays.

Today it was time to take the photo that has become a 'tradition' over the past few years at Clyde.  There's  an old wooden seat down the back of the section and each year we take a photo of the boys on it.  We've somehow left it to the end of the holidays this year. 

While I grabbed the camera, the boys headed out to play on the swings (something they've done a lot these holidays!)  So I couldn't help getting some photos of them having a great time swinging!  It wasn't until I looked at the photos later that I realised they were holding onto each other's swings!

So I have to include these photos too - a lot more than one today ;)  

And our 'traditional' annual photo (have to include this one too!)

Summer Holidays | Day 21/47

Day 21  |  And yet another gorgeous day here!  This morning started with our holiday routine once again of a walk to the Lake with Alfie.  Then it was lunch out with an old friend from High School for a catch up! 

This evening we all went out for Dinner at the local "Post Office Cafe".  We attempted to update the boys photo with the Grandparents before we headed out!

Summer Holidays | Day 20/47

Day 20  |  Loving this hot summer weather!  So today was another walk up to the Lake first thing this morning with Alfie to give him a swim.  Then after a bit of chilling out time, it was time to head to the Alexandra Pool for a swim.  We even enjoyed the outdoor pools today, which are normally freezing, but were perfect today for a 31 degree day!

Two photos again today as they pretty much sum up the two parts of our day - inside keeping cool, and then heading to the Pools!

Summer Holidays | Day 19/47

Day 19  |  It has been the hottest day of our holidays so far.  The day started with a walk to the lake and a swim for Alfie.  Then this afternoon we headed to the movies to see "Paddington 2" and enjoy some air conditioning at the same time!  It's a great movie if you haven't seen it!  We all loved it : )

Summer Holidays | Day 18/47

Day 18  |  Happy New Year!!  We have started 2018 with an absolutely gorgeous Central Otago day!  And we hit the Mini Golf greens for the first time these holidays.  It was a super hot game, so we headed to the pools straight afterwards to cool off!  Definitely a much appreciated swim!

Today is a photo of Hayden.  He happened to go and stand under a tree while waiting on his turn at Mini Golf, and when I turned around it was the perfect light and spot for a great photo!  Hayden so isn't into having his photo taken this year, so it was great to get this completely natural one of him standing there!  

There's a photo too of Austin since it's the first day of the year ;)