December 30, 2019 | This afternoon we hit our favourite bike ride into Alexandra along the first part of the Central Otago Rail Trail. We headed to the swimming pool, then after a cool down, headed back home via the trail again.
It's a great 9km bike ride, and being a flat, easy ride, it's great for the kids too. Austin lead the way in and with a couple of photos stops and water breaks, it took us 50 minutes. Coming home with Steve in the front and a bit of a back wind (and minus Austin who caught a ride home with Granma and Dea), it was a quick 30 minute bike.
A great way to spend the afternoon!
December 27, 2019 | It's definitely a holiday of relaxation so far. Another day hanging out at home, walking the dog, boys playing, and a wander around Alexandra. The weather definitely doesn't feel like summer yet though! Hoping for some warmer weather soon!
A photo of Austin on the swing this afternoon at the crib.
December 26, 2019 | Boxing Day was a day at home today. The boys have enjoyed hanging out, testing out their Christmas a little more, playing backyard cricket, and we all had a game of Monopoly that the boys got for Christmas. And yes, it did end in tears, lol!
The photo today is of the boys in their "matching" t-shirts Granma and Dea gave them for Christmas - minus the tears!
December 25, 2019 | This morning we had a 6am start with the excitement of Santa sacks, Christmas presents and Granma's treasure hunt. The boys were spoilt by everyone of course, and had great fun opening their presents. Alfie loved the paper too!
We had a quiet, relaxing day, with just us and Steve's parents coming around. There was lots of yummy food, some backyard cricket, and boys playing with their new presents. Another great, special, Christmas Day.
A few photos of the boys this morning with their Santa sacks...
December 24, 2019 | The boys have spent the past week with Granma and Dea, Steve drove down with Alfie yesterday, and today I flew down and got to join everyone for our summer holiday.
Tonight was the Christmas Eve tradition of a photo in front of the Christmas stockings and then getting the milk and Christmas cake ready for Santa. There was also reindeer food (made by Austin at school) for the reindeer and a carrot for Rudolph left up on the roof - mainly so the dog wouldn't eat it before Santa arrived!
December 16, 2019 | Today the boys flew down to spend the week with Granma and Dea. An exciting day for the boys, and the first time that Austin has flown on his own. They had a great flight and got to hand out the lollies on the plane. I had hoped to take a photo of the boys before they left this morning, but because they had to leave for the airport at about 7.30am, we just run out of time.
However, Granma and Dea were there to pick them up from the airport, and although I didn't take this photo, it's such a great photo that I had to share it!
December 10, 2019 | Today the boys have finished their first year at their new school, and it really doesn't feel like a year since we were going through the process of school interviews and buying new uniforms. The boys have both had an amazing year at their new school, and it has been a great move for both of them. I do find it hard to believe though that we are now saying farewell to Years 3 and 7! I'm sure they're both a lot taller than they were 11 months ago too!
A big change this year also is that there won't be a "Photo A Day" these summer holidays. I have now started working full time, so our holidays will be quite different. I am definitely still going to try and take lots of photos over the summer, but really can't squeeze in a photo every day - except when we head down to Central Otago over Christmas and New Year.
But I'll start this summer as the tradition continues, with a photo of the boys today after school has finished for the year. Love this photo taken just after their Prize Giving and final assembly for the year.
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