Archive for January 2020

School Holidays | January 28

January 28, 2020 |  The holidays are over for another year, and now it's time for the first day back at school photo!  Hayden is Year 8 this year, and Austin will be in Year 9!

Summer Holidays | January 3

January 3, 2020  |  Our holidays are coming to an end, so it was time to take our annual photo of the boys on the seat under the tree!

Here's a link to last year's post, which also has the links to the previous years' photos!

Summer Holidays | January 2

January 2, 2020  |  There's been a lot of backyard cricket played these holidays, in fact I think there's been a few games every day!  So a couple of photos today...

Summer Holidays | January 1

January 1, 2020  |  Happy New Year!  The boys both stayed up last night.  It was the first time for Austin and he had been asking for days.  Austin being Austin there was no worry he wouldn't stay awake!  Hayden was all about the new decade!

It was a little later start to the day today - but not by much!  We had a very quiet, relaxing first day of the new year, and went out for a lovely lunch with Mum and Dad.  A strange day though with the smoke from the Australian fires making its way across the Tasman.  Crazy to think we needed the lights on inside at 3pm today!

A photo of the boys with Granma and Dea before we headed out to lunch : )