January 5, 2021 | Wet Fiordland! A magical, but very wet experience! I have been lucky enough to visit Milford Sound three times previously, but today was definitely the wettest!! Crazy wet! Of course, that was Austin's favourite part!
We left Te Anau at 7.00am this morning to make our way over to Milford Sound in time for our cruise. The rain started as we left, and only got heavier as we headed West. The Mirror Lakes wasn't quite a mirror today, but the Sounds definitely lived up to their reputation of incredible waterfalls everywhere in the rain.
Our cruise was on the Milford Mariner, as the rain poured down as we headed out the Fiord, getting heavier along the way. It didn't take long to get soaked through (jackets included), especially as we headed right in under the waterfalls, Austin in his element! He had so much fun out on the deck.
We made it out to the Tasman Ocean in very low seas, and then the decks cleared as we turned head-on into rain and wind or the way back in - except for Austin, lol! It was a struggle to keep him inside! Lots of fun though!
It was a pretty direct run back to Te Anau with a carload of very wet and cold occupants. The boys ended up sleeping on and off on the way back (a by-product of an unusually early holiday wake-up call and a big day out.) Steve and I stopped once at Falls Creek for a very quick photo stop - figuring we were that wet anyway! The boys chose to stay in the car!
Back at our apartment, it was hot showers for everyone and a bit of chill-out time. Then we wandered down into town for a yummy dinner. By the time we walked home the rain had completely stopped for the first time all day, and there is definitely a glimpse of a gorgeous day ahead tomorrow.
The boys have had a great time so far, and loved our trip!
A little collation of a few photos today!