Archive for January 2022

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 19

January 19, 2022  |  The "last" day of my holidays as it's back to work tomorrow!  The forecast was for HOT today, so we decided to head to Sumner to the beach for a swim for the first time this summer.  The weather didn't quite heat up as much as predicted, but we still had fun anyway! A great way to finish the holidays!  

I love this photo of Austin, but also wanted to include the photo of both boys for our final day!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 18

January 18, 2022  |  Time to leave our holiday in Hanmer Springs today.  But first of all was a walk through town, a game of mi ni golf (with strict instructions to Austin to NOT to break his arm this time!), and then lunch at the bakery.  

The holidays are very quickly coming to an end - one last day tomorrow before it's back to work!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 17

January 17, 2022  |  I started the day with a lovely walk through Hanmer Forest, the first time that I have been there in all the times that we have gone to Hanmer!  It was another very hot start to the day so walking through the trees was really nice.  

Then it was a bit of a walk through town with the boys before we headed back to the motel for some lunch and then off to the Pools for the afternoon again.  Lots of what we did yesterday - Hydroslides, Superbowl and the favourite, Conical Thrill, along with the family pool (Austin through it was the best to make me stand under the bucket of water!) and of course the hot pools!

Tonight we managed a lovely dinner out before getting home in time to watch Survivor, our family favourite these holidays!

A great birthday!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 16

January 16, 2022  |  Hanmer Springs!  It has been a few years since we came up to Hanmer for my birthday, so we have taken advantage of still being on holiday and drove up today.  We arrived around lunchtime and were lucky enough to be able to check into the motel.  

After a quick lunch, it was off to the Pools for the rest of the day.  We spent 4 hours, mainly on the slides, but also enjoying the pools and the hot pools - although at 24 degrees, it was almost too hot for the hot pools!  Lots of fun, and ready to head back for a few hours tomorrow now!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 15

January 15, 2022  |  Austin was off to a birthday party this afternoon and with Hayden refusing photos these days, Alfie was the choice for my photo today!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 14

January 14, 2022  |  Today was school shoe shopping today!  I'm happy to report that we successfully purchased two pairs of school shoes and two pairs of sports shoes!  School blazers were also picked up from the dry cleaners, so one step (or 8 if you're counting!) closer to being ready for the new school year!

No photos of shopping, but one once home and attached to a device again!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 13

January 13, 2022  |  Henry stayed over last night, and today we decided to head into town to check out the local 'carnival' in town.  It was more just a few rides on an empty section in the city, but the two boys were pretty happy to spend a couple of hours on the rides.  This one was by far their favourite, and I think they ended up going on it about 5 times! 

Following it was off to Margaret Mahy playground for hot chips, ice creams and a play before we headed home!


Holidays 2021/2022 | January 12

January 12, 2022  |  Today felt a little like a Sunday!  A little sleep in, a walk with Alfie, and then popping out for a little shopping!  Mainly to Mitre 10 to pick up a few things!  But we also called into Rebel Sport and Austin spent his Christmas money from Nea and Poppa on a new Canterbury Cricket shirt.  It was on the minute he got home, and then time for some bowling practice!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 11

January 11, 2022  |  Back home to what felt like Central Otago weather - making the most of it though as the rest of the week is meant to be cooler.  

Today the boys caught up with friends - Austin online, Hayden heading to the mall and then a friend's for a sleepover.  For Steve and me, it was a day in the garden.  So much quicker to tidy this garden after two week's away than at our old house though!  

And for a photo, Austin and Alfie today!

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 10

January 10, 2022  |  It was time for us to head back to Christchurch today, but before we left Clyde, Dad gave Austin an old (and very heavy!) Austin (car) Coat of Arms, that he's had for many years! 

Even though Austin is not a family name, it does have significance for us.  Dad used to sell Austin cars years ago, and throughout my childhood, Mum even drove a little Austin 1100.  

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 9

January 9, 2022  |  Our final day in Clyde and definitely a quiet one!  A bit of a sleep in the morning before the usual morning walk with Alfie.  This afternoon Hayden and Dad biked the river track to Alexandra, while the rest of us drove in and met them at the swimming pool for a final swim.  

I did manage to convince Hayden for a quick photo before they left - and smile : )

Holidays 2021/2022 | January 8

January 8, 2022  |  What a fantastic day!  We ticked off one of our 'to dos' off our holiday list today.  Despite a forecasted 30 degrees, we headed off early to Cromwell via car with the bikes on the back.  We then hit the Dunstan Trail from Bannockburn and rode back to Clyde.  The trail has been open for less than a year, and definitely one we've been looking forward to trying.

It is a fantastic trail.  There were a couple of challenging zig-zagging steep hill climbs - definitely made the downhill run on the way down much appreciated!  Otherwise, it was a really fun trail with great tracks, bridges built specially into the rock faces, and some beautiful scenery.

We headed through without the boys as we weren't sure what it would be like for Austin (glad we didn't take him!) and Hayden wasn't too keen - although he would have really enjoyed it!  However, he probably would have got somewhat annoyed with all my photo stops, lol!  Hayden and Dad biked in from the Clyde end and met us a couple of kilometres from the end.

In the end, biking time of 2 hours 50 minutes, a total of 3 hours 40 minutes on the track, and 35km ridden!

(A photo before we started!)

Summer Holidays 2021/2022 | January 6

 January 6, 2022  |  With Steve still getting over not being 100%, it was a real home day today.  It was also a much cooler day than what we've been having.  The boys spent their days between inside and outside.  Managed to grab some photos of Austin on the trampoline doing flips, but also love this one!

Summer Holidays 2021/2022 | January 5

January 5, 2022  |  It was a bit of a quiet 'nothing' day today really as we hung around home for most of the day.  However, mid-afternoon, we headed into Alexandra to the cricket nets, with both boys this time.  It was then a very quick swim at the pools to cool off afterward as we arrived 15 minutes before closing time!

Summer Holidays 2021/2022 | January 4

January 4, 2022  |  Not quite as hot today again, so after our usual start to the day, Austin and I headed off for a game of mini golf in Cromwell.  A close game, and even a few hole-in-ones!  

Summer Holidays 2021/2022 | January 3

January 3, 2022  |  Another very hot day, although not quite as hot as yesterday!  A walk for Alfie and me this morning, then it was time for tickets to be handed out to one of Austin's championship football matches!  He likes to make tickets, and hand them out - each with a specific seat where you need to sit to watch the game!  The previous few years it's been rugby, but now of course it's all about football!

Summer Holidays 2021/2022 | January 2

 January 2, 2022  |  A bit of a quiet day today - mainly because it's been the hottest day yet!  Steve, Alfie, and I had a great walk along the river this morning, definitely one of our favourite walks!  Then it was basically trying to keep cool this afternoon!  Even had to hunt out the fan!

This afternoon, Austin (after many days patiently waiting) and Steve went to the movies to see the new Marvel movie.  I just went to take the photo, lol!  

Summer Holidays 2021/2022 | January 1

 January 1, 2022  |  Happy New Year!  What a gorgeous day to start the new year!  We had a big walk this morning and took Alfie up to the lookout over Clyde, and then down to the river for a paddle to cool off. 

This afternoon was time out to relax.  The boys were quietly doing their own thing, so Steve and I even managed to sit down the back under the tree and read a book. 

Then late afternoon, we took Alfie down to the lake for a late afternoon swim.  He absolutely loved it!