December 13, 2022 | After missing the end of school photo last year with no public prize giving thanks to COVID, I am jumping on with a short post on Austin's last day. Hayden has been finished school for a couple of weeks now, so just one boy in uniform! (However, I'll share a photo from Hayden's last day too!)
Hayden completed Year 10 this year at Christ's College, and has had another fantastic year at high school. He was recognised for his hard work too with a general Academic Award, one of 10 awarded for his year, so we were incredibly proud of him.
Austin has just finished Year 6! It's hard to believe that he is going to be going into Year 7 next year - that was the year that Hayden started at Medbury! (He definitely doesn't fit his uniform though!)
With working through until Christmas again this year, our official "Photo A Day" won't start until Christmas Eve! Not too sure how keen the boys - well Hayden - will be for photos this year, but we'll give it a go!
(PS: To see the photo of the boys two years ago, click HERE!

We also got our Santa photo taken today! I wonder if this will be the last year with both boys... just in case it is, I'm popping it here too!