Archive for December 2022

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 31

December 31, 2022  |  The last day of the year was a repeat of what is fast becoming our "norm" these holidays!  A bit of a sleep-in, then a wander around town with Alfie, a little bit of work, then after lunch a trip to the swimming pool.  Of course all topped off by beautiful summer weather.

I hadn't had my camera out, so it was late in the day when Austin was given the task of being the subject of today's photo - and the choice of location!

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 30

December 30, 2022  |  With Austin still at his friend's place til later this afternoon, Hayden willingly obliged for a photo today!  It's not very often that he's keen for a photo these days, so I pleasantly surprised!  I took some photos of him hitting his cricket ball in the back yard, but loved this candid snap of him between concentrated shots!

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 29

December 29, 2022  |  Austin was very excited today as he had been invited to go and stay the night at one of his good friend's holiday house over in Wanaka.  So mid-morning we headed over to drop him off, with a quick stop at the lake for a photo!


Holidays 2022/2023 | December 28

 December 28, 2022  |  This football-crazy, Manchester United boy was up early this morning in all his "Man U" gear to watch his favourite team play - the boy who would normally hang out in his PJs til lunchtime most days given a chance!

It was a super hot 31 degrees today, so the afternoon was spent at the pool and then an ice cream on the way home. 

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 27

December 27, 2022  |  Today was a quiet day around home as I had study to do to complete my CPD training for the year.  There was chess playing, teaching Granma how to play "Monopoly Deal", along with the backyard water slide, cricket in the park, and a trip to the nets for Hayden.  Everyone was making the most of what is a slightly cooler day before the forecast scorcher tomorrow!

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 26

December 26, 2022  |  Boxing Day brought beautiful weather again, more water play, more cricket and football, and generally relaxing, enjoying the holidays!  Austin was off to the Warehouse this morning with Granma and Dea to buy a new water slide, which definitely hit the spot in the heat this afternoon!  Even Alfie enjoyed cooling off in the water - and loved the water balloons!

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 25

December 25, 2022  |  Merry Christmas!  A sunny day and a great day for Christmas in Clyde this year, filled with our usual traditions.  The boys opened their Santa presents and were very spoilt as always!  Lots of cricket gear on the lists this year! After breakfast it was time for Granma's treasure hunt, which the boys both love!

With the weather at its best, it was a relaxing afternoon enjoying the sun!  Austin had lots of fun playing in the sprinkler, while everyone else enjoyed the shade of the trees!   

A few photos to share today!

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 24

 December 24, 2022  |  After what has been a crazy fast year, and a year that has been filled with everything from positive COVID tests to a Hawaii holiday, here we are on Christmas Eve. 

The boys have grown, and the magic of Christmas is changing a little.  However, I love that Austin has been excited to lay out his Santa sack tonight whilst asking to see the Santa tracker one last time, with a lasting belief that at least I'll hold onto for another year.  Meanwhile, I love just as much Hayden asking if we are going to put out the milk and Christmas Cake for Santa.   

Now as we head off to bed and eagerly await the big man in red himself, we will be left pondering if Rudolf will actually be able to find the carrot that Austin has thrown somewhere up on the roof for him!! 

Holidays 2022/2023 | December 13

 December 13, 2022  |  After missing the end of school photo last year with no public prize giving thanks to COVID, I am jumping on with a short post on Austin's last day.  Hayden has been finished school for a couple of weeks now, so just one boy in uniform!  (However, I'll share a photo from Hayden's last day too!)

Hayden completed Year 10 this year at Christ's College, and has had another fantastic year at high school.  He was recognised for his hard work too with a general Academic Award, one of 10 awarded for his year, so we were incredibly proud of him.

Austin has just finished Year 6!  It's hard to believe that he is going to be going into Year 7 next year - that was the year that Hayden started at Medbury!  (He definitely doesn't fit his uniform though!)

With working through until Christmas again this year, our official "Photo A Day" won't start until Christmas Eve!  Not too sure how keen the boys - well Hayden - will be for photos this year, but we'll give it a go!

(PS: To see the photo of the boys two years ago, click HERE!

We also got our Santa photo taken today!  I wonder if this will be the last year with both boys... just in case it is, I'm popping it here too!