January 05, 2023 | A little rain to start the day, which set the tone for a relaxing day at home not doing much at all! The rain didn't last long and the heat definitely came through, so it was another hot one, just not quite as sunny.
The boys had a very chilled day too, so the photo today was a lucky capture, not picture-perfect for many reasons, but love the natural laughter!
January 04, 2023 | Today was another slow start to the day with a wander down and around town. Then towards lunch time we headed off on the Millenial Bike Trail along the river from Clyde to Alexandra, followed by a picnic and then swim at the pool.
We do this bike ride at least once every summer, and it has become yet another traditional family photo!
January 03, 2023 | Super hot today. It was 29 degrees according to the thermometre but with not a breathe of wind, definitely felt hotter! Therefore, apart from the usual slow walk and short bike ride around town this morning, the afternoon brought yet another swim at the pool, which was well welcomed!!
Before we headed off to the pool though, it was time for the traditional "photo on the seat"!
January 01, 2023 | Happy New Year! What a stunning start to the new year, and a relaxing day to match. After sleeping in a little later than usual (Austin, Steve and I saw in the New Year) we spent the afternoon having a picnic just out of Bannockburn, and then a game of mini golf in Cromwell. It was a hot one!
A rare family photo to share today!
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