Summer Holidays, Day 4/47
Day 4/47 One thing about doing a project like this is that you tend to carry your camera around in places you might not normally do so - like the laundry! I hadn't actually intended on taking a photo in the laundry, but sometimes there's just a perfect moment right in front of you.
Austin is so quick these days, and often you can look in the other direction for a moment or turn around to get something else, and next thing he is plopped in the middle of something! He's quite fond on the buttons on the washing machine too since he discovered it a week or so ago, so it's often a port of call on his little walkabouts!
I love these two little expressions, which sum him up pretty well: the look of innocence, what me, I'm not doing anything wrong; and then the famous cheeky grin, which usually follows pretty quickly afterwards!