Summer Holidays, Day 8/47
Day 8/47 One very excited boy today! It was Stephen's last day of work for the year today, and he decided to see if Hayden wanted to go and spend the morning in at work with him. Needless to say, it didn't take long for Hayden to say 'yes'! So, it was favourite t-shirt on, bags packed (with paper and pens - and the iPad of course), breakfast eaten, morning tea made (but left on the bench in all the excitement!), and then it was time to go to work!
Hayden has never been to work with his Dad, so it was something pretty special! However, I think he might have been even more excited about the fact that he got to sit in the front seat of Dad's work van on the way to work!
And for the record, he had a great time at work : )