Summer Holidays, Day 1/50
I'm back again! I thought quite a lot about whether or not I would do another Photo-a-day project over the holidays again this year. It does take time each day (sometimes more time than you have time for), and some days you really do have to think about what to take a photo of - or at least convince the boys that I need to take their photo 'again'! But in the end I decided that I love looking back over last summer's photos so much, and more than anything, I love the record that this is making for the boys to look back on for years to come. Hayden already loves to sit down and look through his 'old' photo albums, which I think is great and his father just rolls his eyes at - another bit of me he sees in him, lol. I'm also motivated by the thought that one day (probably when Austin is at school!), I am determined to make each of my projects into a little book, so all their photos are in the one place.
As a photographer, sometimes you don't always make the time to take lots of photographs of your children, especially those snapshots of your kids just being kids! I know that I definitely do have lots of photos of my boys (I've got the hard drives and albums to prove it!), but I love how this documents a chunk of time all at once. They are growing so much everyday, so these projects aren't about getting the 'perfect' photo with perfect composition, focus or even a feel of 'art' to them; they're more snapshots of our days showing our family doing the things we like to do, and I know that I will always treasure them!
But for now, it's time to get started...
Day 1 Like last year, even though this was the last day of school, it was only a half day, so I think I can get away with saying today is Day 1 ;) I've decided to start off where I finished off at the end of the last Photo-a-day. It's hard to believe now that my last photo was Hayden heading off to school for his first day of the year. And now, here he is outside his classroom at the end of the last day. I'm sure he's nearly a foot taller and a few shoe sizes bigger!