Summer Holidays, Day 17/50

Day 17  It was a cool start to the day again today (where has our summer weather gone?) and a morning around home.  But after lunch we headed over to Cromwell for another afternoon of mini golf (Hayden's choice) and then swimming (one of Austin's favourites). 

It was absolutely blowing a gale (and cold!) when we arrived at mini golf, but there was no way Hayden wanted to postpone.  He has improved heaps since this time last year and actually looks like he's playing golf now rather than hockey!  And Austin loves trying to get the ball in the holes too, although he just skips straight to the hole each time.  He definitely has the excited "Hole!" 'dance' going on though :-) 

As we walked back to the car the boys ran over to the famous Cromwell icon, so we did the 'tourist' thing, and took the boys' photo under the big fruit.  You don't usually do these sorts of cliche photos when it's something you see all the time - and you're not on an overseas holiday - but you never know, it might be one of those photos that they boys can recreate in 20 years time, lol!