Summer Holidays, Day 30/50
Day 30 Another day at home today! It's been one of those weeks really, but sometimes I think that the boys also just enjoy hanging out and relaxing at home, doing what they want to do with nowhere to go and nowhere we need to be - the sort of thing holidays are all about really!
And the boys really have had one of those days, wandering from inside to outside, drawing, watching TV, playing with their toys. At one point this afternoon, Austin picked out his Buzzy Bee from the toy box and started pulling it along, as he sometimes does. Then he discovered that both the kitchen and living room doors to outside were open, so he started going out the kitchen door, across the concrete, and back into the living room - around and around and around - and around! He thought it was great fun! And for some reason, I just love the site of a little child pulling a buzzy bee! I took lots of photos of Austin doing his little circuit, but there's just something that appeals to me about this one. Maybe it's the little grin that's saying he thinks he's pretty clever for working this cool game out!