Summer Holidays, Day 34/50

Day 34  It was an absolutely gorgeous Christchurch summer's day today (one of the few we've had so far this summer!), so with Mum and Dad still here, we decided to head into the centre of the city and take the boys on the Trams.  Strangely enough I had bought a Tram pass about three weeks before the February 2011 Earthquake.  Of course, following the Earthquakes the Trams were no longer running, so all passes were put 'on hold' until the Trams started again.  So my 'Annual Pass' now lasts until November 2014! 

This was the first time I had been into the city since the entire Red Zone has been opened up so it was the first time I had been back into Cathedral Square.  I took some photos of the boys in front of the Cathedral, as it now stands.  Not to do a 'tourist' thing, but because of the historical value of it.  The Cathedral won't always be there, so this being the boys' home town, I thought it may be something that they can look back on in year's to come. Although I have photos of Hayden in Catherdral Square prior to the Earthquakes, I don't really have any of him with the Cathedral in full view behind, ie: the classic tourist shot!

Now, after saying all that, I have chosen a different shot of the boys to share today, as it's simply an image that I love of them!  Both had been completely uncooperative about any photos at the Tram stop at all, and even at this point, Austin is not too impressed about Hayden's 'hug'!  But it's so just them!