Summer Holidays, Day 39/50

Day 39  Guess who the Tooth Fairy visited last night??

This tooth seems to have been wiggly forever!  It was wiggly before school ended; it was still wiggly at Christmas; it has continued to sit there and be wiggly for nearly all of January; it has been wiggled by Hayden and wiggled by me.  The Tooth Fairy bear has been on holiday with us twice now - just in case!  But finally, yesterday afternoon, just as we were leaving for the park, the tooth came out!

I was going to take a photo of Hayden yesterday (after all this waiting, a photo was definitely deserved!), but he told me I could take one today instead.  So we had a little play in the studio this morning and I took a pile of photos of my spiky haired, tooth missing, quickly growing big boy.  But I really couldn't go past sharing this one!  (Although I did have trouble deciding whether to share the colour or Black and White version!)