Summer Holidays, Day 45/50
Day 45 One of the things that I love about this project is that with my camera pretty much sitting out all of the time at the moment, there are many opportunities to capture an understated glimpse of daily life, the every day 'stuff' that often you wouldn't bother going and getting your camera out for - or that by the time you find your camera, the moment is gone!
I love looking back on photos from special occasions and fun times, but
at the same time, I love looking back on those photos that don't really need much of an explanation. They show life as it is, and as a parent, they often speak a thousand words about your children. And that's what today's photo
is for me.
The boys both love to watch "Peppa Pig" in the mornings. It is Austin's absolute favourite at the moment, and even Hayden at nearly 7, doesn't complain and lines up to watch it! I was in the middle of cleaning up breakfast this morning, but couldn't help but sneak a photo of them sitting there watching, perfectly placed between the couches, and completely oblivious to the fact that I had my camera in my hands. Even Peppa Pig played game and jumped in a muddy puddle for us at the same time!