Summer Holidays, Day 8/45

Day 8  |  It was another beautifully hot Central day today, and this morning the boys decided to go on an ‘adventure’.  Hayden packed up his new school bag that he got for Christmas; Austin packed a bag too, and off they went – down to the bottom of the section. Hayden had his new favourite book and Austin had his dinosaurs.  They had their little water pistols to fight off anything that came in their way as they treked the 10 hours to their destination!  Their ‘adventures’ continued on and off all day, usually with Austin following and copying his big brother every step of the way.

The best thing about this was not how well the boys actually played together, but that they were actually playing like we used to as kids, making up an adventure using their imagination and simply playing outside most of the day. They didn't ask for iPads, TV or DVDs, they never said they were bored, never asked what they could do. Even Hayden commented tonight that he hadn't been on the iPad today.  Loving this weather and these holidays!

Sneaking a photo of the boys in the moment this morning : )