Summer Holidays, Day 15/45
Day 15 | Well today didn't turn out quite as we had planned!
We decided that we would go to an old favourite picnic spot from many
years ago, so that the boys could play in the stream there, dig in the
stones, and basically have some fun. So we got a picnic lunch ready,
packed the cars, and headed off.
At first we thought the only problem was the grey clouds and few spits
of rain on the way through the gorge. However, we were to be proved
wrong! When we arrived, we found that our picnic spot didn't quite look
the same, and had definitely changed since the last visit! There was a
picnic table there, but add to that a few thistles too. And the little
stoney stream with its ankle deep water and stoney 'beaches' around it
has now turned into a very narrow little fast flowing, deep stream, with
thick big trees almost covering it!
If you are reading this I am sure you are starting to wonder how many actual
years ago we last visited! Well I should have probably stated in the
first paragraph that this was a favourite picnic spot from when I
was a kid, and we actually spent a lot of our time there gold panning!
From memory, I'm guessing I was about 12 when we were last there! So,
it really shouldn't have been too much of a shock that things had
So, after driving around for about another 30 minutes
trying to find a 'replacement' stoney stream and having no luck, the
kids had had enough, so we decided to head back to Cromwell to a park
the boys had spotted earlier and have our picnic there! They boys had
heaps of fun anyway, but just with a flying fox, and tunnels, along with
the usual swings and slides. And then, just so we did get our feet wet
afterall, it was off to the swimming pool once again!
You've probably guessed by now that I'm not always good at sharing just one photo ;)
Firstly, flying fox fun!
And my 'official' photo today, in the tunnels :)