Summer Holidays, Day 24/45

Day 24  |  And just like that, we are home!  We had an amazing 'summer' holiday.  I have to add 'summer' in there, because the weather was the best we have had for probably as long as I can remember.  We spent so much of our time at the swimming pool cooling off, having picnics at the park and spending time outdoors, biking, playing and just hanging out.  It was one of those holidays where we seemed to manage the perfect balance between doing lots of things and keeping the kids happy with not feeling 'busy' and it being relaxing at the same time!

But I guess holidays do have to come to and end, and today was the 'big' trip home.  It takes us about 6 hours, with a stop for lunch.  And I have to say that technology makes the long trips so much easier for the boys!  With the portable DVD players and headphones, even Steve and I get to listen to 'our' music at the same time.  And we've done the trip enough times now that the boys know it's a long way, and generally settle down into the jouney really well, with not too many "How much longer?"s!

As for today's photo, this was a quick snap this morning while we were getting organised to leave.  The boys haven't watched much TV while we've been away, but when he got up this morning, Austin was very excited to discover his favourite programme "Andy's Dinosaur Adventures" was back on TV!  So with a cuddle from Dea, they sat down to watch it together!  Special times X