Summer Holidays, Day 34/45

Day 34  |  Today we went to catch up with a good friend of ours in town that I've known for nearly 8 years now.  Jannaya and I met when Hayden and Harrison were only a few weeks old at the start of our Plunket Mums' Group.  Hayden and Harrison were the only boys in our group so they were bound to become friends!  Although we don't see them as much as we used to, we still keep in touch, and it's nice to be able to catch up in the holidays.

It's been about six months since the boys had seen each other, but you'd never guess!  And boys being boys, they had water fights, sword fights, and generally made a lot of noise!  But Hayden definitely had a great time today and didn't want to leave to come home! 

I had to take my camera along of course for an updated photo of the boys.  Which led us to think about some of the earlier photos we had of them.  Jannaya and I then convinced them to recreate a photo from a few years ago - 6 in fact!  I'm not sure if we'll be able to talk them into it in another 6 years though!

Thank you for the catch up Jannaya and Harrison (and Cooper!)  Will see you next holidays!

And our 'little' and 'big' boys!