Summer Holidays, Day 36/45

Day 36  |  It was off to one of the old favourites today, Willowbank.  We've had an annual pass there nearly every year since Hayden was one!  It's such a great place to go, especially for the younger children.  The boys definitely know their way around and know which animal comes next! 

Not too much changes from visit to visit, but there were lots of 'firsts' for Austin today: he fed the eels and let the deer feed off his hand (as opposed to throwing the food at them!).  And, he went on his first donkey ride, which he loved!

I'm sure that I have hundreds of photos of the boys at Willowbank, and I don't usually take my camera there now very often.  However, since it's Photo-A-Day time, I had to take a few photos today!