Summer Holidays, Day 1/45

Day 1  |  I can't believe that another whole year has gone past and the Summer Holidays are here!  And of course, it's time to embark on another 'Photo A Day' project!

It has been an incredibly busy year for me with a huge pile of work to still do before I even think about 'holidays' as such, so Steve did say to me today, you're not doing that this year are you?  (He knows that it means that I do 'have to' take a photo every day, which sometimes means a dash at the end of the day to 'find' a photo to take, along with uploading images and writing this blog of course!)  But it has become a tradition that I really love.  I don't take nearly as many photos of the boys now during the year with life and work seemingly getting busier and busier, so this project literally becomes a snapshot into the boys' lives as they grow.  Plus, I simply love looking back on past years' photos and, yes, have been know to get lost in reading back through this blog late at night when I stumble across it!  And for the record, I asked Hayden if he was in for another year, and the answer was yes ;)

As in past years, we've decided to make the first day of our project the last day of school for Hayden, mainly because I love how when you look back you see the first day of school for the year then the last as we start a new summer holidays.  (It's like my starting and finishing point that all makes sense to me!)

So at lunchtime today, after a year that has seen my 'big boy' grow 5 centimetres, not really put on much weight, and go through about 6 pairs of shoes, Hayden completed his final day as a Year 3 - after literally counting down the days til school finishes for weeks!  Although he does well at school, he's pretty much a typical 8-year-old boy and would much rather not have to go to school at all!

And for the next 45 days, the holidays it is!

For our first photo, Hayden wanted to do as we've done the past couple of years and take his photo outside his classrooms for the year, which incidentally will be his classrooms next year too!