Summer Holidays, Day 5/45
Day 5 | Wow, Christmas is getting close! Not many sleeps left now! Today we headed into the city to the Christmas Grotto. This is the third time for the boys, but we also took Granma and Dea with us today. It is a fantastic Grotto to visit, and so much fun watching the boys faces, although Hayden was more interested in finding all the yellow stars that were hidden in the displays! I think the model train set along with the Disney and Star Wars characters (amongst others) was definitely the favourite though!
I knew the lighting would be completely not suitable for taking photographs of the boys, but I still had to get just one photo! The quality isn't great as it is really dark in there, and this was taken with no flash (2500 ISO for the photographers!) Add to that the fact that Hayden wanted to go and find his next star, and Austin was too busy singing - literally - and you get a pretty typical photo for us anyway! Sometimes just capturing a memory is more important than a 'perfect' photo though!