Summer Holidays, Day 8/45

Day 8  |  Merry Christmas!  After months and weeks and days of waiting, Santa has been!  The boys were awake at 5.30am this morning - well, the 'big' boy woke up and then woke the 'little' boy up too!  By 6.00am, there was paper being ripped off presents and happy boys playing with their new toys, games and books.  It's so much fun seeing their faces as they dive into their Santa sacks!

We spent the day with Steve's family, with a Christmas lunch for 20 adults and 6 children!  The kids had so much fun opening more presents, playing with new toys, taking over the spa pool, and a water balloon fight with some of the adults!  It was a big day for everyone, and ended up a very long one for the boys who finally made it to bed about 10pm.  I think the adults were pretty tired too after all the excitement!

So many photos taken today, but because it is well overdue, here is the first ever whole family photo from Steve's side of the family!