Summer Holidays, Day 10/45


Christmas Day, Take 1 (4am)
Austin:  "Mum, it's Christmas Morning!"
Me:  "Shh, Austin, it's still the middle of the night!"
Hayden: "Mum"
Me:  "Shh, Hadyen"
Hayden:  "But Mum, my covers have all fallen off."
Me:  "OK, I'm coming"
Hayden:  "Be careful, there's a bike beside my bed!"

Christmas Day, Take 2 (5.45am)
Hayden:  "Austin, wake up!"

And so Christmas Day it was!  Despite a nearly very early start, we had a fantastic day of treasure hunts, present opening, eating (lots!), board games (lost count), and of course backyard cricket!  The boys have just finished watching a Christmas movie and are only now getting into bed at 9.30pm, so I'm hoping we may get a little sleep in tomorrow morning, lol!

In the meantime, a few photos from opening presents this morning!  Alfie included of course.  All very spoilt boys!