Summer Holidays, Day 1/45

Day 1   |  You know, each year when I open this Blog up to start a new Photo-A-Day, I end up spending half the night looking back on the posts from the past few years! And I think that's why each year I continue my "Summer Holidays Photo-A-Day" tradition. The boys are still happy for me to bring out the camera too, so I guess that helps! And because I don't take nearly as many photos of them now during the year as I used to, they're not 'photo'ed out'! It might be a different story by the end of the holidays of course, lol!

So, here we are, nearly at the end of another year! As I've done in previous years, I'm starting off with the last (half) day of school, but the difference is, this year, there's two boys in the photo!! Austin started school 7 weeks ago, and I think I'm still getting used to the fact that both boys are 'school boys' now! He has settled in very quickly, although I definitely have one, actually make that two, very tired boys at home tonight.

With 44 days til school goes back, I'm hoping we can have a fantastic, relaxing, fun summer holidays - and hopefully not to much brotherly fighting!! But in between, lots of photos too!! And I know I say this every year, but who is going to join me!! The kids will LOVE looking back on the photos in years to come - as will you! Definitely worth it!