Summer Holidays | Day 1/43
Day 1 | We're back! How hard is it to believe that we've reached the end of another school year! Hayden has now completed Year 6, and Austin Year 2. They've both grown so much this year, and it's funny to think that Austin started the year with no front teeth!
This year also marks the end of an era as the boys will be going to a different school next year. We are farewelling our primary school as Hayden heads into the City for his intermediate years. Austin will also be following as it would be too hard to have the boys in completely different locations. So there will be many changes ahead - but more about that next year!
Right now, the holidays have officially started as of 12pm today! And we'll be attempting a Photo-A-Day for the next 43 days - our 8th year of doing this Blog! Hayden had just finished his first year at school the first year when we started. So let's see if we can keep going for these holidays!
As for today, the boys chose the location for their photo, next to their old school logo, continuing our tradition of taking our first photo at school before heading home for the holidays!