Summer Holidays | Day 4/43

Day 4  |  It was the final day of Karate today for the year.  The boys are now going twice a week, and despite time off for broken arms (both of them!) they have headed back and continue to work through their gradings.  Hayden moved to Red Belt earlier this year, and Austin moved up from the Tigers to Panthers, and recently graded for his Yellow Belt.  (I finally got a photo of him today as he had to rush off to his school disco the day he actually graded!)

Hayden received a very special award this year for Commitment.  He has been going to Karate for 6 years now, and I'm so proud that he has continued to go, even though there's been a few times he's wanted to give up - especially when he missed a grading and fell behind his peers due to broken arms!  So this award meant a lot to him!