Summer Holidays, Day 9/50

Day 9  MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Christmas Day is here at last!  We have had a very quiet but fun day.  We were woken at 5.50am by Hayden jumping on our bed, shouting very excitedly that "Santa has been, Santa has been!".  It was then a very long wait til Austin finally woke at 7.00am and presents could be opened!  The new bikes waiting beside the beds were spotted first, and then it was time to empty Santa sacks, Granma's Treasure Hunt, and then even more presents from Grandparents and family!  So much enthusiasm and excitement - and paper! 

Unfortunately it rained for most of the day, but the boys definitely had plenty to keep themselves occupied indoors - new games and books, puzzles and DVDs.  Lots of new toys and things to explore!  Hopefully there'll be sun tomorrow though so we can try out the new bikes!

In the meantime, it's time to put the Santa sacks away til next year, and enjoy the rest of summer!