Summer Holidays, Day 8/50
Day 8 T'was the night before Christmas... a day of huge excitement for children everywhere as the days turn into hours as the countdown to Santa's arrival comes to an end.
Earlier today the boys watched their Christmas video messages from Santa. This has become a little tradition each year. I love watching Hayden's face as Santa talks to him; the wonderment and belief that can only be described as magical. It is the first year that Austin has received his own little message, and he too was mesmorised by what he saw, never moving til the video was over.
And now as I write this, the milk is out, the Christmas cake is on the plate, and the carrots are outside the door. The pillowslips are on the ends of the beds and two little boys are tucked up and sound asleep - finally! All that is left to do now is to wait for the morning and see the absolute joy and amazement on their faces as they empty their stockings and see whether their wishes have come true. Just hopefully not too early!