Summer Holidays, Day 3/50

Day 3  Today for the first time, Hayden went along to a local holiday programme for the morning.  It was a one-off morning run by the local church, and the instructions were to come dressed up as either a shepherd or an angel.  Hayden wasn't too sure at all about going dressed up and was pretty much ready to pull out at the last minute!  However, in the end he was happy to head along with an extra sweatshirt in hand and the knowledge that he could take his costume off once he was there if he wanted to!

Once we arrived though and saw that there were some other children dressed up, he was straight into it without even so much as a goodbye, and I left him to his colouring, crafts and baking for the morning.  (Strangely enough, it was Dad and Santa who were brought home decorated gingerbread and not me!)  The parents were invited back just before lunch for a little concert put on by the children.  And all our effort in dressing up must have paid off as Hayden got to play Joseph in the nativity play.  He thought that it was pretty cool, not so much because he was 'Joseph' per say, but because Joseph is his middle name, which he had obviously told everyone!

Here's my Joseph all dressed up after the play : )