Summer Holidays, Day 4/50
Day 4 Our busy week continued today! This morning we met up with one of Austin's wee friends from Gymbaroo and went to the Southern Centre Multi-Sensory Experience at Pioneer Park. This is a really fun place to visit with lots of fun hands-on activities for children of all ages. Both the 2 year olds and Hayden (6 years) had a great time. Typicallly, Hayden went for the noisier activities (think microphones and drums!); whilst Austin loved the buttons and lights.
After the Sensory room, it was time to head outside to the park so that the boys could burn off some more of that endless supply of energy! The sun was shining, it wasn't too hot, and the boys played and ran for ages. You could call it a successful morning!
As for the photo, maybe not quite as successful. However, remember me saying a few days ago that this project for me is more about capturing a little moment, rather than aiming for a 'perfect' photo every day. Well, today was definitely one of those days! You don't normally choose middle of the day with bright sun as the perfect photo opportunity. However, when you want to captue boys being boys, I guess it doesn't really matter. Yes, I was going to try and get a photo of the boys all lined up on the bridge together, BUT, this pretty much sums it up: Austin refusing to look at me and looking in the other direction; Hayden also completely ignoring me and just wanting to do his own thing; and Master J looking at me from under his big favourite cowboy hat, stick in hand. But I like it, and it brings a smile to my face when I look at it. And the most important thing, yes, the boys all had heaps of fun jumping up and down on that bridge!
This is a fantastic photo!