Summer Holidays, Day 6/50
Day 6 You may have noticed from the photos so far that Hayden has been in desperate need of a haircut. I can't remember when his last haircut was, except that it must have been at least four months ago! I'm not quite sure why we haven't gotten around to getting it cut either. Anyway, I was getting my hair cut yesterday, so made an appointment for Hayden to come along and get his done at the same time.
For a 6 year old boy he was very excited about the prospect of getting his hair cut. (It could well have been the fact that his hair was quite easily now the longest in the house!) He has always had his hair slightly longer and has never had it really short before. But ever since the hair cut had been mentioned, he had been planning on what he wanted - and that was spiky hair!
We've had some great conversations during the week about how hair doesn't just stick up on its own and that you need gel for it to do so (after a slightly anxious moment whether or not his hair would ever be flat again); whether or not we had to buy any "jam" or not (yes, I did need to clarify this one as the question was asked completely out of context!); and most importantly, would his hair still look like this on the 23rd of December (that's when we're going away on holiday and will see his grandparents). Life through the eyes of a 6 year old is incredible some days!
Now along with knowing exactly how he wanted his hair cut, he was adamant that he was going to do his own hair now, and wanted to put his own "gel" in! Considering he usually hates even having to towel dry his hair and the quicker he can leave the bathroom the better, this is all quite a change! So, this morning Hayden was in the shower without having to be asked twice, he asked for his hair to be washed (this NEVER happens!), and then he got himself lined up in front of the mirror. No one else was allowed to touch his hair, and I think that he pictures pretty much speak for themselves today! Who knew that a simple hair cut would give us a week's entertainment!