Summer Holidays, Day 5/50
Day 5 Austin has just turned 2, and this year he knows it's 'Christmas' time! He loves to see all the Christmas decorations that are around everywhere, but is still completely scared of Santa when he sees him and will not even walk past him! He wanders around the house saying "Christmas, Christmas" and the points to the Christmas tree saying "Christmas Day" (I'm sure on Christmas Day he'll suddenly actually start saying Christmas tree!) We dare not put a parcel under the tree as ever since his birthday any parcel or package that he sees is his and has to be opened straight away! Hayden is also as into Christmas as ever, and is counting down the days! He has had his list written for weeks, and was very keen to go and see Santa this year to tell him what he wanted! I just love the joy that Christmas brings the kids, so much fun and excitement!
So, with only 4 more sleeps til Santa comes, and only another day at home before we head away for Christmas, I thought it was time to take a photo of the boys with our little Christmas tree (which Austin was very pleased about, and not a complaint from Hayden either!). We bought our tree while we were renting a much smaller house a few years ago. It is now completely out of proportion in our new house, but it's a perfect size for Austin to stand and stare at, and sneakily play with the decorations! He also loves the "moose" (as he calls it) and Santa decorations, and they quite often get carted around the house. Hayden used to love doing the same thing at a similar age too.
I hope you are all looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. We definitely can't wait!