Summer Holidays, Day 23/50
Day 23 It's been an 'outside jobs' day today after being away on holiday for a couple of weeks. The day was mainly spent pulling out weeds and cutting back plants and trees. I can never work out why the garden always seems to grow so much more when you are away for two weeks than when you are at home for the same amount of time! On the good side of that though, we did get to pick lots of ripe strawberries and baby carrots from our veggie garden!
Admittedly, the boys did spend most of their day playing, but I did put them to work this morning helping me wash the car ;) I'm not sure how clean the car really got (even though I was pretty wet!), but at least it was cleaner than it was before!
(I don't often play too much with different styles when I'm editing photos, but I did try something a little different with this photo. Sometimes I don't necessarily like an image in saturated colour, and I was going to share this one in black and white, but ended up with this first!)