Summer Holidays, Day 24/50

Day 24  It has been another day in the garden today for me, this time trimming back all the hedges! Once I start doing a large job like this, I don't tend to stop - even to take photos!  However, Austin and I did do the much needed huge grocery shop this morning as the cupboards were looking incredibly bare after our trip away!  It is always a mission with Austin in tow, as he would much rather 'help' get items off the shelves and put them in the trolley rather than sit in the trolley these days, much like his big brother was at the same age!  He was just as keen to help me put the groceries away when we got home too, for a little while at least.  I just wish that I could get this excited about putting away groceries!  (For the record, he doesn't even eat ham, and he was doing this with every item he pulled out!)