Summer Holidays, Day 49/50

Day 49  Each year as part of my Photo A Day,  there has to be one day that I 'save' my photo for late in the evening when I can sneak back into the boys' bedrooms and take a photo of them all tucked up, sound asleep.  There's something quite enchanting about a sleeping child; you seem to forget about the day's tantrums, the fights for independence, the stubborn moments, and exhausted cries.  They are simply that little child that can melt your heart once again.  So tonight it's very simply my two boys.

As soon as you put Austin into his cot, he wriggles himself all the way up and then squashes himself right across the top of the cot on his tummy, which is becoming more and more of a squash as he grows.  He always has his 'cuski' and his Pooh bear close by, exactly as I found him tonight.  He goes to sleep to the sounds of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" most nights.  He moves a lot in his sleep and often has nightmares, which seem to range in severity.  It's impossible to keep him covered in anything other than his sleeping bag.  I took a few gorgeous shots of Austin asleep this evening, and originally chose another one to share, but in the end I went with this one as it tells the full story!

Hayden still has takes his 'Blue Bear' and 'da zar' (a little muslin cloth, which still has the name given to it by him from before he could even talk) with him every night.  He struggles to get to sleep at nights, and we are currently trying to shift his body clock back to school bedtimes after a long relaxing holiday of late nights!  However, once this one is asleep, he is asleep!  He is such a deep sleeper it's amazing.  He can literally sleep through anything, including 7.1 earthquakes, and even his brother being born!  It was a little harder to get his photo tonight though since it was practically dark when he went to sleep, and the beautiful light of earlier in the evening was well and truly gone. 

Angelic is not a word I would ever use to describe my boys - awake or asleep - but looking at these photos, they come pretty close.

Good night world, sleep tight, and may tomorrow be another beautiful day X