Summer Holidays, Day 50/50

Day 50  We've made it!  After 50 days my Photo A Day for these summer holidays is officially finished.  I now have over 600 photos sitting in an album on my computer, so it's pretty safe to say that I'm not exactly great at taking just one photo a day either!  We've had quiet days where there has just been the odd shot taken throughout the day, and we've had busy days with many photos taken!  Some days it's been easy to choose a photo to share, a special photo that jumps out at you; other days it has been a really hard decision as to which favourite to pick.  I feel like I have shared so much of our holidays, but yet there are still so many more photos that I could have taken and even more ideas of what to do for 'our photo'.  However, it's definitely time to get my camera serviced, clear some memory cards, and get some other things done!

And if you've made it this far, I want to thank you for following my blog these holidays!  I have loved hearing all the comments from people that have enjoyed seeing what we've been up to!  I am always a little surprised by how many people actually look forward to our photo each day!  Although this is technically the last day, I will be back tomorrow with one final special blog post for Hayden's first day back at school.  I loved how my last PAD project ended with Hayden's first day of school last year, and then this one started with his last day for the year.  So the tradition might have to continue! 

But for now it's time for me to leave you with our last photo of the holidays.  It has been an absolutely gorgeous day, ironically one of the best summer's day we've had these holidays.  We finally got to get the paddling pool out, the sprinkler was on, and it was time for lots of fun in the water in the back yard.  The boys had a great time, running around all over the place, and I literally had to drag Austin inside out of the water for dinner tonight!  It was definitely a great way to finish the holidays!  (But we do desperately need a new paddling pool next year though, lol!)

Now, who's up to join me in about 11 months time??  Go on, you know you want to!