Summer Holidays, Day 1/45
Despite the fact that it's has been a crazy busy lead up to the holidays this year, I haven't hesitated at all about taking on the Summer Holiday Photo-A-Day challenge again this year. Simply because I love looking pack at the past years I've done this (or something similar) and I actually really value those images. It's funny as it seems like this year has gone by so, so quickly, yet when I look back at some of the photos I am sure that it was much longer than a year ago that it happened! And one day, I really will get all these photos made into little books for each holidays! I promise!
But for now, it's time to start again!
Day 1 | The tradition seems to have started that my first photo for the summer holidays actually happens at the end of school on the last day. And as I usually end my Photo-A-Day with a 'bonus' first day back at school, straight away I can look from my 'last' post to my 'first' post and see what a difference nearly a year makes! It is also quite scarey how quickly the past year seems to have been!
And so today, it was Hayden's last day with Mr T, in LC 4; his last day as a Year 2 student. He has had a really successful year, and definitely one we can be very proud of as parents. It is also his last day as part of the Kiwi team. Next year he moves up to be a Pukeko! Exciting times for a 7 year old!
I'm not sure if I'll convince him to get his 'end of school year' photo next year, as I was almost getting the "you're embarrassing me Mum" look this year! But we will worry about that then. The holidays have started!