Summer Holidays, Day 2/50
Day 2 | For the past couple of years, I have followed a couple of friends doing "Elf on the Shelf" during the lead up to Christmas. This year, I decided it was now or never, so ordered our own "Elf on the Shelf", which has now been aptly named "Zak" by Hayden, and who is now getting up to a little mischief each night while the boys are asleep!
If you've never heard of "Elf on the Shelf", I'll let you read more about it yourself (Simply Google "Elf on the Shelf" or go HERE), but it's definitely a bit fun when you've got little ones in the house! Hayden loves finding Zak each morning and seeing what he's been up to!
It was Hayden's idea to take a photo of Zak for our photo today, so here they are : )