Day 8 | It was another beautifully hot Central day today, and this morning the boys decided to go on an ‘adventure’. Hayden packed up his new school bag that he got for Christmas; Austin packed a bag too, and off they went – down to the bottom of the section. Hayden had his new favourite book and Austin had his dinosaurs. They had their little water pistols to fight off anything that came in their way as they treked the 10 hours to their destination! Their ‘adventures’ continued on and off all day, usually with Austin following and copying his big brother every step of the way.
The best thing about this was not how well the boys actually played together, but that they were actually playing like we used to as kids, making up an adventure using their imagination and simply playing outside most of the day. They didn't ask for iPads, TV or DVDs, they never said they were bored, never asked what they could do. Even Hayden commented tonight that he hadn't been on the iPad today. Loving this weather and these holidays!
Sneaking a photo of the boys in the moment this morning : )
Day 7 | Merry Christmas!! Santa has been, and the Christmas cake has been eaten and the milk drunk for another year. We started the day at a relatively 'normal' time, with a very excited Hayden climbing onto Austin's bed and whispering "Santa's been!" to wake him up. Full Santa sacks were dragged into the lounge where we all sat on the floor and enjoyed the most exciting part of the day!
And the rest of the day has pretty much been what you would describe a perfect summer Kiwi Christmas Day; sunny, hot, and Christmas lunch followed by water fights and backyard cricket.
Two very spoilt, tired boys all ready for bed tonight!
Day 5 | For the past month or so, as soon as Austin wakes up in the morning he comes running into our room and jumps into bed with us. It's not very often that he actually goes back to sleep, especially if it's closer to 6 o'clock, but this morning he snuggled up and was soon sound asleep again. In fact, he continued sleeping for nearly an hour, long after we had gotten up. He looked so relaxed, so I had to literally sneak a little photo of him from the doorway!
Day 4 | It was almost as though the holidays hadn't really started here today. Austin had his last day of pre-school for the year, and Hayden headed off to a holiday programme for the day as with being sick for nearly the past week, I had to have a catch up work day!
After a busy day of playing, painting, building, baking and sand pits (in no particular order), it was in the bath for these two! It has been ages since I've taken a photo of them in the bath together, and incredibly, both were happy at the same time for me to take their photo!
Day 3 | It was a relaxing Sunday at home today, doing a few jobs, slowly starting to get ready for heading away on
holiday in a couple of days. So, this morning I thought I'd take a photo of the boys
opening their advent calendar for today, which I did. But I then ended up taking another series of photos afterwards as Steve was
being silly behind me, and the boys were laughing, thinking it was all
incredibly funny. Because I love capturing those natural smiles and giggles, I've decided to share this one today, simply
because I can't help but smile either when I look at it : D
Day 2 | For the past couple of years, I have followed a couple of friends doing "Elf on the Shelf" during the lead up to Christmas. This year, I decided it was now or never, so ordered our own "Elf on the Shelf", which has now been aptly named "Zak" by Hayden, and who is now getting up to a little mischief each night while the boys are asleep!
If you've never heard of "Elf on the Shelf", I'll let you read more about it yourself (Simply Google "Elf on the Shelf" or go HERE), but it's definitely a bit fun when you've got little ones in the house! Hayden loves finding Zak each morning and seeing what he's been up to!
It was Hayden's idea to take a photo of Zak for our photo today, so here they are : )
Despite the fact that it's has been a crazy busy lead up to the holidays this year, I haven't hesitated at all about taking on the Summer Holiday Photo-A-Day challenge again this year. Simply because I love looking pack at the past years I've done this (or something similar) and I actually really value those images. It's funny as it seems like this year has gone by so, so quickly, yet when I look back at some of the photos I am sure that it was much longer than a year ago that it happened! And one day, I really will get all these photos made into little books for each holidays! I promise!
But for now, it's time to start again!
Day 1 | The tradition seems to have started that my first photo for the summer holidays actually happens at the end of school on the last day. And as I usually end my Photo-A-Day with a 'bonus' first day back at school, straight away I can look from my 'last' post to my 'first' post and see what a difference nearly a year makes! It is also quite scarey how quickly the past year seems to have been!
And so today, it was Hayden's last day with Mr T, in LC 4; his last day as a Year 2 student. He has had a really successful year, and definitely one we can be very proud of as parents. It is also his last day as part of the Kiwi team. Next year he moves up to be a Pukeko! Exciting times for a 7 year old!
I'm not sure if I'll convince him to get his 'end of school year' photo next year, as I was almost getting the "you're embarrassing me Mum" look this year! But we will worry about that then. The holidays have started!
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