Archive for December 2013

Summer Holidays, Day 15/50

Day 15  For the last day of the year we decided to do another one of our favourite holiday activities today.  We are incredibly lucky to have the Central Otago Rail Trail on our doorstep, so this morning it was everyone on bikes (Austin on the back of mine), and we cycled the small section of the Rail Trail between Clyde and Alexandra, finishing at the swimming pool.  It was the perfect day for it, and naturally I had to drag my camera along for a very quick photo along the way! 

I hope that 2013 has been a great year for you.  I know that for some of my beautiful friends, it has been an incredibly tough year, so I hope that for everyone, 2014 brings much happiness and great health.  Here's to an amazing New Year, with lots of fun, laughter, and of course bike rides and swimming!

Summer Holidays, Day 14/50

Day 14  Happy 9th Wedding Anniversary to my wonderful husband!  Yes, it's our wedding anniversary today; 9 years of marriage and 2 children later!  Today, my one request for our anniversary was a family photo.  Every year I try and get at least one family photo (ie snap!) of us as usually it's me behind the camera.  But of course, that's never as easy as it sounds with two energetic boys! 

We were heading out to Cromwell this morning for lunch out and a game of mini-golf, so my original idea was to take a photo before we headed out.  But then Hayden stood on a bee and got his first bee sting, which ended in yelling and tears.  And then it started to pour down, so that was the end of that!  So we decided to try when we got home later this afternoon, which of course was always going to be pushing it a little with tired kids!  I handed Dad my camera and literally told him to point and shoot.  In the very short space of time we had before the boys completely lost it and it started to rain again, we definitely had more out-takes than anything, but in the end, I guess we got a reasonable shot all things considered!

Summer Holidays, Day 13/50

Day 13  It has been an absolutely gorgeous day here today, the hottest day of our holidays yet.  We headed down to the local markets this morning for a wander around, stocking up on fresh cherries and apricots, to which neither of the boys have yet acquired a taste for, which of course I can't understand at all! 

So it's another photo of both the boys today, this time while we were waiting on everyone to walk down to the markets.  I love trying to get photos of the boys together, so if the opportunity arises I usually jump at it.  And it's usually a challenge in its own right with those two!

Summer Holidays, Day 12/50

Day 12  "Hot day today" as Austin would say!  It's finally starting to feel like a real Central Otago summer.  And to go with that, like yesterday it's been another day of water slides, nerf guns and swing ball games, with the adults trying to grab some time-out in the shade under the trees in between rounds!

We were saying earlier today how we haven't really done much or gone far these holidays yet.  Our days have just been mainly hanging around home and playing with the boys.  But it's been really relaxing and there's definitely something about seeing tents, water slides, water pistols, balls, bikes and scooters spread all over the back lawn that brings back fun summer childhood memories!  I just wish at times that I still had the energy of a 2 or 6 year old!

Summer Holidays, Day 11/50

Day 11  It has been a day of Nerf guns, water slides and swing ball today, so pretty much a typical summer's day with the boys!  There have been lots of photo opportunities today; one of those days when it's hard to choose what to share!  But since we've all been playing Nerf guns with Hayden for pretty much most of the day (grandparents included), I decide to go with that.

From time to time, Hayden has asked for a Nerf gun, and although he has played with his friends' ones, it wasn't until yesterday that he finally got his own one.  So, understandably, he is very excited about it and it has been Nerf gun challenge after challenge!  We've had targets in the middle of the back yard, and bulls-eye targets stuck to windows.  To tell the truth, I think we've all had a lot of fun out it!   

Summer Holidays, Day 10/50

Day 10  The weather wasn't great today, but for the most part the rain stopped and we were able to head out on the boy's new bikes. 

Looking at Hayden on his new bike now, you suddenly realise how too small his last bike had become for him.  He is most excited about having gears on his bike now - and suspension!  I think I'm definitely going to have trouble keeping up with him now!

Austin isn't too sure about it all yet.  After having a quick sit on his bike yesterday, he just wanted to put it back in his bedroom!  Today though he was very keen to get his helmet on and head out for a 'ride'.  He had a few goes up and down the path before deciding he was a little tired and wanted Dad to carry him - but only with him still sitting on his bike!  With Dad carrying child on his bike, we decided that that might be him for the day!

Another storyboard of photos today.  If you've been following my blog, you'll probably already know that I'm not very good at just choosing just one photo sometimes ;)

Summer Holidays, Day 9/50

Day 9  MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Christmas Day is here at last!  We have had a very quiet but fun day.  We were woken at 5.50am by Hayden jumping on our bed, shouting very excitedly that "Santa has been, Santa has been!".  It was then a very long wait til Austin finally woke at 7.00am and presents could be opened!  The new bikes waiting beside the beds were spotted first, and then it was time to empty Santa sacks, Granma's Treasure Hunt, and then even more presents from Grandparents and family!  So much enthusiasm and excitement - and paper! 

Unfortunately it rained for most of the day, but the boys definitely had plenty to keep themselves occupied indoors - new games and books, puzzles and DVDs.  Lots of new toys and things to explore!  Hopefully there'll be sun tomorrow though so we can try out the new bikes!

In the meantime, it's time to put the Santa sacks away til next year, and enjoy the rest of summer!

Summer Holidays, Day 8/50

Day 8  T'was the night before Christmas...  a day of huge excitement for children everywhere as the days turn into hours as the countdown to Santa's arrival comes to an end.

Earlier today the boys watched their Christmas video messages from Santa.  This has become a little tradition each year.  I love watching Hayden's face as Santa talks to him; the wonderment and belief that can only be described as magical.  It is the first year that Austin has received his own little message, and he too was mesmorised by what he saw, never moving til the video was over.

And now as I write this, the milk is out, the Christmas cake is on the plate, and the carrots are outside the door.  The pillowslips are on the ends of the beds and two little boys are tucked up and sound asleep - finally!  All that is left to do now is to wait for the morning and see the absolute joy and amazement on their faces as they empty their stockings and see whether their wishes have come true.  Just hopefully not too early!

Summer Holidays, Day 7/50

Day 7  Well, we are finally all packed up, the house-sitters are in, and we're off on holiday!  We've all been really looking forward to our Christmas Holidays this year - as we do most years!  Hayden has been counting down the days until he could start packing to go to Granma and Dea's house, and both boys were very keen to get in the car this morning. 

So, here are the boys all ready to hit the road for the long trip ahead.  Yah, holidays!!

Summer Holidays, Day 6/50

Day 6  You may have noticed from the photos so far that Hayden has been in desperate need of a haircut.  I can't remember when his last haircut was, except that it must have been at least four months ago!  I'm not quite sure why we haven't gotten around to getting it cut either.  Anyway, I was getting my hair cut yesterday, so made an appointment for Hayden to come along and get his done at the same time. 

For a 6 year old boy he was very excited about the prospect of getting his hair cut.  (It could well have been the fact that his hair was quite easily now the longest in the house!)  He has always had his hair slightly longer and has never had it really short before.  But ever since the hair cut had been mentioned, he had been planning on what he wanted - and that was spiky hair!

We've had some great conversations during the week about how hair doesn't just stick up on its own and that you need gel for it to do so (after a slightly anxious moment whether or not his hair would ever be flat again); whether or not we had to buy any "jam" or not (yes, I did need to clarify this one as the question was asked completely out of context!); and most importantly, would his hair still look like this on the 23rd of December (that's when we're going away on holiday and will see his grandparents).  Life through the eyes of a 6 year old is incredible some days!

Now along with knowing exactly how he wanted his hair cut, he was adamant that he was going to do his own hair now, and wanted to put his own "gel" in!  Considering he usually hates even having to towel dry his hair and the quicker he can leave the bathroom the better, this is all quite a change!  So, this morning Hayden was in the shower without having to be asked twice, he asked for his hair to be washed (this NEVER happens!), and then he got himself lined up in front of the mirror.  No one else was allowed to touch his hair, and I think that he pictures pretty much speak for themselves today!  Who knew that a simple hair cut would give us a week's entertainment!

Summer Holidays, Day 5/50

Day 5  Austin has just turned 2, and this year he knows it's 'Christmas' time!  He loves to see all the Christmas decorations that are around everywhere, but is still completely scared of Santa when he sees him and will not even walk past him!  He wanders around the house saying "Christmas, Christmas" and the points to the Christmas tree saying "Christmas Day" (I'm sure on Christmas Day he'll suddenly actually start saying Christmas tree!)  We dare not put a parcel under the tree as ever since his birthday any parcel or package that he sees is his and has to be opened straight away!  Hayden is also as into Christmas as ever, and is counting down the days!  He has had his list written for weeks, and was very keen to go and see Santa this year to tell him what he wanted!  I just love the joy that Christmas brings the kids, so much fun and excitement!

So, with only 4 more sleeps til Santa comes, and only another day at home before we head away for Christmas, I thought it was time to take a photo of the boys with our little Christmas tree (which Austin was very pleased about, and not a complaint from Hayden either!).  We bought our  tree while we were renting a much smaller house a few years ago.  It is now completely out of proportion in our new house, but it's a perfect size for Austin to stand and stare at, and sneakily play with the decorations!  He also loves the "moose" (as he calls it) and Santa decorations, and they quite often get carted around the house.  Hayden used to love doing the same thing at a similar age too.

I hope you are all looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends.  We definitely can't wait!

Summer Holidays, Day 4/50

Day 4  Our busy week continued today!  This morning we met up with one of Austin's wee friends from Gymbaroo and went to the Southern Centre Multi-Sensory Experience at Pioneer Park.  This is a really fun place to visit with lots of fun hands-on activities for children of all ages.  Both the 2 year olds and Hayden (6 years) had a great time.  Typicallly, Hayden went for the noisier activities (think microphones and drums!); whilst Austin loved the buttons and lights.

After the Sensory room, it was time to head outside to the park so that the boys could burn off some more of that endless supply of energy!  The sun was shining, it wasn't too hot, and the boys played and ran for ages.  You could call it a successful morning!

As for the photo, maybe not quite as successful.  However, remember me saying a few days ago that this project for me is more about capturing a little moment, rather than aiming for a 'perfect' photo every day.  Well, today was definitely one of those days!  You don't normally choose middle of the day with bright sun as the perfect photo opportunity.  However, when you want to captue boys being boys, I guess it doesn't really matter.  Yes, I was going to try and get a photo of the boys all lined up on the bridge together, BUT, this pretty much sums it up: Austin refusing to look at me and looking in the other direction; Hayden also completely ignoring me and just wanting to do his own thing; and Master J looking at me from under his big favourite cowboy hat, stick in hand.  But I like it, and it brings a smile to my face when I look at it.  And the most important thing, yes, the boys all had heaps of fun jumping up and down on that bridge!

Summer Holidays, Day 3/50

Day 3  Today for the first time, Hayden went along to a local holiday programme for the morning.  It was a one-off morning run by the local church, and the instructions were to come dressed up as either a shepherd or an angel.  Hayden wasn't too sure at all about going dressed up and was pretty much ready to pull out at the last minute!  However, in the end he was happy to head along with an extra sweatshirt in hand and the knowledge that he could take his costume off once he was there if he wanted to!

Once we arrived though and saw that there were some other children dressed up, he was straight into it without even so much as a goodbye, and I left him to his colouring, crafts and baking for the morning.  (Strangely enough, it was Dad and Santa who were brought home decorated gingerbread and not me!)  The parents were invited back just before lunch for a little concert put on by the children.  And all our effort in dressing up must have paid off as Hayden got to play Joseph in the nativity play.  He thought that it was pretty cool, not so much because he was 'Joseph' per say, but because Joseph is his middle name, which he had obviously told everyone!

Here's my Joseph all dressed up after the play : )

Summer Holidays, Day 2/50

Day 2  When Hayden was around 1 year old we started going to Gymbaroo each week.  He very quickly came to love it and so did I!  The little routines and structure that the children had to follow, and the focus on the pre-school child's development was so beneficial - for both the children and their parents.  Unfortunately it closed down when he was about 3 and a half and we sadly farewelled Gymbaroo.  So I was really pleased to see that it had restarted again by the time that Austin was a baby.  And just like his big brother, Austin started Gymbaroo at around the same age.  It was great going back to mat time, upside down time, the favourite 'treasure bag', the singing and dancing, and of course circuit time on the equipment.  Within a couple of weeks, Austin definitely knew what Gymbaroo was and also couldn't wait for Wednesday morning to come around so we could go to "Roo"!  If you have a little one, I definitely highly recommend checking out your local Gymbaroo!

Today was our last Gymbaroo session for the year, so I took my camera along hoping to take a few photos of Austin before his class this morning.  Austin being Austin though doesn't like to waste a minute of his time while we're there, so stopping for a photo wasn't really on the agenda!  Nonetheless, a couple of pretty typical Austin shots taking in Gymbaroo!

Summer Holidays, Day 1/50

I'm back again!  I thought quite a lot about whether or not I would do another Photo-a-day project over the holidays again this year.  It does take time each day (sometimes more time than you have time for), and some days you really do have to think about what to take a photo of - or at least convince the boys that I need to take their photo 'again'!   But in the end I decided that I love looking back over last summer's photos so much, and more than anything, I love the record that this is making for the boys to look back on for years to come.  Hayden already loves to sit down and look through his 'old' photo albums, which I think is great and his father just rolls his eyes at - another bit of me he sees in him, lol.  I'm also motivated by the thought that one day (probably when Austin is at school!), I am determined to make each of my projects into a little book, so all their photos are in the one place. 

As a photographer, sometimes you don't always make the time to take lots of photographs of your children, especially those snapshots of your kids just being kids!  I know that I definitely do have lots of photos of my boys (I've got the hard drives and albums to prove it!), but I love how this documents a chunk of time all at once.  They are growing so much everyday, so these projects aren't about getting the 'perfect' photo with perfect composition, focus or even a feel of 'art' to them; they're more snapshots of our days showing our family doing the things we like to do, and I know that I will always treasure them!

But for now, it's time to get started...

Day 1  Like last year, even though this was the last day of school, it was only a half day, so I think I can get away with saying today is Day 1 ;)  I've decided to start off where I finished off at the end of the  last Photo-a-day.  It's hard to believe now that my last photo was Hayden heading off to school for his first day of the year.  And now, here he is outside his classroom at the end of the last day.  I'm sure he's nearly a foot taller and a few shoe sizes bigger!